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Control Valve Turned Off

The information on this web site is supplemental to the printed instructions that came with your water heater. To reduce the risk of property damage, serious injury or death, read and follow all labels on the water heater and the safety instructions in the printed owner's manual.

Step 1: Tools and Supplies

  • No tools or supplies are needed for this guide.

Step 2: Continuous Status Light

  • A continuous status light means that the water heater was lit, but the gas control knob was turned to the off position.

  • The thermopile is cooling down. Wait until the status light must go out before trying to relight the pilot. This could take several minutes.

Step 3: Light the Water Heater

Once the status light goes out, light the pilot using the instructions on the water heater's label.
  • Once the status light goes out, light the pilot using the instructions on the water heater's label.